Simply started, we had a successful outing in Ndola yesterday. And these are the same results that we are seeing everywhere we go.
In Eastern province we had huge crowds following us, Sata got scared and sent his police to forcefully remove us from the province as if we are not Zambians. Right now we are on the ground campaigns in Luapula, Northern and Muchinga provinces and the reception has been wonderful! Of course Sata’s DCs and thugs are trailing us all the time.
Yesterday Sata sent his thugs to come and intimidate us while our president HH was appearing on Sun FM. We thank the management and staff of Sun for ensuring that HH left the radio station safely. But this is how finished the PF has become, he had to hire thugs all the way from Kitwe to come to Ndola!
Our advice to Sata is that there is nothing he can do about people trooping to UPND short of him making life more bearable for the Zambian people. Maybe he doesn’t know that mealie meal is now K85 per bag? Meaning that the price of the commodity has increased by more than 100 percent since took over the Presidency. That is not our fault, its his mess to sort out.
Many people, when they come near the end of their earthly lives do tend to change their ways and make peace with their fellow human beings and their God. But not Sata. Chawama is still fresh in our minds. So is the MMD national convention of 2000 of which Sata was the chief organiser and national secretary. Senior MMD members were beaten and humiliated at that convention. Who can forget the works of Sata’s former lieutenants; Scorpion Kadobi, Goliat and Ester Nakawala. A mudala tembenukani mwa kula!
For Stellah Libongani, we only have one message; if you fail to protect us as the constitution mandates you, then we have no option but to protect ourselves. Imagine if that crowd that welcomed HH to Ndola was at Sun FM, what would have happened to Sata’s thugs?
Yes we had a successful meeting in Ndola where received a lot of people who joined UPND. Among them was former minister Marina Nsingo, former diplomat Mr Litana and former DCs for Mufulira and Luanshya districts. The PF chairman for Lufwanyama has also ditched the Titanic. Pooobo, after pooobo. Ndola twa geta!
Sata you wont stop this with violence!!