President Edgar Lungu said Government through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) will increase the maize purchase from farmers from the current K70 per 50 kilograms bag of maize to K75.
Mr. Lungu said government is committed to encourage and motivate farmers in the country especially those in rural areas so that they can continue to grow more food.
President Lungu said he will ask the treasury to find more money so that farmers in the country can be paid rewarding amounts.
Mr Lungu maintained that government will buy the secure and strategic reserve of 500,000 metric tonnes of maize from farmers across the country.
The Head of State said this upon arrival at the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport from Botswana where he was attending a two days summit of the 35thSADC Heads of State and Government Conference.
The Presidential Challenger Jet carrying Mr. Lungu arrived at 14:00 hours and was welcomed by Vice President Inonge Wina, Minister of Home Affairs Davies Mwila, Minister of Lands Christabel Ngimbu and other senior government officials.
Defence and Service Chiefs were also present to welcome the Head of State.
And Mr. Lungu has since tasked the FRA to advance their market search of grain sell to other countries in the region that have a grain deficit.
He disclosed that apparently only Zambia and Tanzania are the only two countries in the region with excess grain.
Meanwhile, President Lungu said the issue of power deficit is a regional matter.
Mr Lungu said it is in this vein that SADC Heads of State have resolved to accelerate the implementation of power generation and transmission so that the integration progamme in the region can be accelerated.
ki ki ki ki ki ki only a dull person would fail to see thru the useless trick! FRA had already fixed the price at K75, what the man did was simply instruct the FRA chaps to announce the price as K70,then said a few days later I chief liar will announce an increase of K5, and the desperate f.ools will be ululating that am a caring presido…
so ifitumbuwa Na ma Banzi balunda
some calibre of the debaters on this fora.
awe mwe.
let me visit the next page
is floor on the market…or its flour…?
Well I thought the floor price is set in consultation with MOFNP plus other stakeholders.. The floor price will allow MOFNP to budget for Maize to be bought.. The govt doesn’t take in to consideration the costs of input even though they pretend to do so when arriving at the floor price.My question this k75 directive made by our able president does it represents all stakeholders.. Can MOFNP increase the budget allocation against which opportunity cost? Is the farmer making his profit.. Am a lay man but for every decision there is a cost to it. This is wat am assuming will happen in the future.. For the government to meet this directive, PAYE will increase.. FRA to sell at reasonable prices to millers they will increase maize price and for the millers to meet their cost and make a profit they will increase the price of mealie meal.and me the tax payer will be fucked which ever way..high taxes, high cost of mealie meal.. My Litle view I don’t succumb to politics of insults rather we debate how we can come up with the cheapest form of raw materials for our farmers to sell maize at low prices and make a profit.. And govt to channel money into other sectors..then one Zambia one nation will be greatest theme for all.. Let’s think outside tribe or insults. We all have different views but we ought not to fight cause my opinion ain’t the same as u..one love
You mean to tell me all these roads that hav been built its your grandfather who built them anyway imbwa sizitasha i dont blame u
You dont expect things to be cheap when theres so much development goin on,where do you think the money is coming from?
what is development?
in other newz hh increases beef price
u are cursed
hahahahhahahhahahahhaha u mad ..
floor or flour, need clarity
It’s floor naimwe? Which clarity
selako ba Lungu babombeko