Campaigns have tightened in the Mangango by- elections slated for tomorrow with political parties holding their last campaign rallies.
A check by ZANIS in selected areas found that the situation is peaceful in Mangango Constituency and most of the parties participating in tomorrow’s by elections were winding up their campaigns.
Speaking in an interview, Patriotic Front (PF) Mangango Constituency Chairperson Isaac Liwoyo said the party is confident of winning the parliamentary seat because their campaigns were issue based not on character assassination.
Mr Liwoyo said the PF candidate is popular in the area as he also spearheaded development when he was a councillor.
And MMD Provincial Secretary Nawa Kwaleyela said his party has not engaged in any violence but based their campaigns on issues that they will do for people once their candidate is elected to represent the people in Parliament.
Mr Kwaleyela expressed confidence that the party will carry the day in tomorrow’s elections as their candidate is a popular person and has been a councillor for the past 13 years in Mangango.
UNIP Vice President Njekwa Anamela the party has their work by campaigning in all the areas of Mangango and were confident that their candidate will scoop the seat.
Mr Anamela said the people of Mangango will vote for the UNIP candidate as they need a woman to represent them in Parliament because the area has never had a female Member of Parliament since independence.
The Mangango seat is being contested by United National Independence Party ‘s (UNIP) Janet Chingumbe, PF’s Rodgers Lingweshi, Godwin Puta for United Party for National Development (UPND), Mwene Nalawa of Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) and the Movement for Multiparty Democracy’s (MMD) Charles Mwenzala.