US-BASED Bishop Edward Chomba says talk about President Michael Sata’s health is a waste of time because the Head of State is enjoying massive support.
Meanwhile, President Sata says Zambia’s economic development shall be accelerated through the development of the railway transport sector.
Bishop Chomba, who is Orthodox Bishop in-charge of the Archdiocese of Eastern States and All Africa, said President Sata had continued to enjoy massive support from majority Zambians and the few politicians that were talking about his health were just wasting their time.
He said people must not listen to individuals with selfish interests because President Sata said it himself that he was well and working.
Bishop Chomba said what was gratifying was that President Sata had turned Zambia into a huge construction site and many poor people that had been marginalised for a long time were able to see development.
“We should in fact be very much ashamed of ourselves that a 77-year-old man is working harder than some of us arm-chair critics. These are the issues we need to be talking about. Look at the constructions, the roads, the schools and clinics. Those that are always talking about the Head of State, his health and other things only want to destruct whatever positive strides he is making for Zambia. When we talk about matters of health in which ever form, this is not the right time because this President is working,” Bishop Chomba said.
He said it was sad that some opposition leaders were not genuinely criticising President Sata and the government.
Bishop Chomba said those that wanted to see Zambia develop must support President Sata because he was a visionary Head of State who wanted to leave a good legacy for the country and its future leaders.
“In the wake of what has been going on, I have not heard the opposition talk about the measures that President Sata had put up to make Kwacha gain stability. Sometimes a critic tends to be a very lazy person, who does not do any work but wait for others to work and then criticise. We should move away from such kind of syndrome as a people,” said Bishop Chomba.

In his Facebook page posting yesterday, President Sata stated that the development of the railway transport sector would make Zambia become a hub for regional business transactions and accelerate economic development in line with the PF manifesto.
President Sata indicated that the government commenced the repositioning and expansion of the rail sector in order to significantly contribute to the country’s transport needs, particularly, in respect of long distance passenger and goods traffic after taking over management of Zambia Railways in 2012.
President Sata added that the government had revitalised the Mulobezi and Nacala corridors to provide reliable and cost-effective bulk transportation for agricultural, mining and energy sectors as well as passengers.
“You may further wish to know that there are five main Greenfield railway spurs that our government has proposed to develop in order to connect the country to all regional trade corridors as follows: The Chingola to Jimbe line in the north-west which will connect the country to Angola and the DRC. The trade potential from these two countries is immense,” President Sata stated.
He named the other Greenfield railway project as the Nseluka to Mpulungu line in the north which is intended to open up markets in the Great Lakes region; the Chipata to Mpika line located in the central-eastern part of the country which will also become an opportune route for business through the Mchinji line on the Nacala Corridor.
“The Kafue Lion Den line to link Zambia to the Beira Development Corridor, which route shall also provide significant transport savings for bulk export business and the Livingstone to Katimamulilo rail line which will link the country to Walvis Bay port in Namibia and reduce the cost of doing business, especially the western and south part of the country,” stated President Sata.
The Post Zambia