Lundazi District Commissioner Janet Palukani has called for the strengthening and promotion of exclusive breastfeeding programmes in line with government policy.
Ms Palukani said government policy, through the Ministry of Health is to recommend and promote exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life.
Exclusive breastfeeding mothers are advised not to give food or water to newly born infants for six months.
ZANIS in Lundazi reports that this was in a speech read on her behalf by Lundazi District Education Board Secretary [DEBS] Herbert Mwiinga.
This was during the launch of the World Breastfeeding Week held in chief Chikomeni’s area, under the theme ‘BREASTFEEDING, WINNING GOAL- FOR LIFE’.
Ms Palukani observed that although breastfeeding is natural and most ideal way to feed newly born babies it has come under constant threat with the advent of the HIV scourge coupled with false claims from advertisers and marketers of infant formulae.
Meanwhile, Lundazi District Director of Health Allan Chisenga expressed concern at the high rate of stunted growth among children which currently stands at 45 percent.
Dr Chisenga called for a multi-sectoral approach to coordinate all nutrition programs and fight malnutrition in the district.
Dr Chisenga said this year’s theme asserts the importance of increasing and sustaining the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) count down and beyond.