Outgoing CDC country Director Lawrence Marum notes that Zambia has made tremendous progress in treating new infections and has paid particular attention to giving treatment to positive living patients.
Speaking to journalists in Lusaka today, Dr. Marum says Zambians should be proud of their leadership that has made it possible for many positive living people to adhere to treatment and get on with life.
Dr. Marum points out that government through the Ministries of Health and Community Development Mother and Child Health has shown commitment to preventing mother to child transmission of HIV to the best of its ability.
He adds that it is in this regard that Zambia will come closely to reducing the HIV infections by next year.
Dr. Marum has since appealed to government to continue investing more in the health sector as it is key to serving more lives and preventing infections.
Dr. Marum is a pediatrician and epidemiologist who joined CDC in 1997 and has served in Zambia as country director since November 2008.
Does it make sense. We are told girl pupils are increasingly involved in prostitution. Unless this is reversed, an HIV and AIDS free generation will continue being a fantasy.