L-R: Congolese Musician M'bilia Bel, Élizabeth Tshala Muana Muidikay, alias Tshala Muana, First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and Democratic Republic of Congo First Lady First Lady of DR Congo Olive Lembe Kabila after the closing of the Seventh First Spouses Roundtable of Comesa Summit at FLeuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo on Feb 26,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
L-R: Congolese Musician M’bilia Bel, Élizabeth Tshala Muana Muidikay, alias Tshala Muana, First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba and Democratic Republic of Congo First Lady First Lady of DR Congo Olive Lembe Kabila after the closing of the Seventh First Spouses Roundtable of Comesa Summit at FLeuve Congo Hotel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo on Feb 26,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
M’bila Bel during the Seventh First Spouses Roundtable of COMESA Summit in Kinshasa on Feb 26,204 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA