Vatican Radio’s Father Moses Hamungole has been appointed Bishop of Monze in Zambia.
Following the resignation of Bishop Emilio Patriarca in conformity with canon law 401 § 1, the Vatican appointed Fr Hamungole to take his place at the head of the Diocese of Monze which depends on the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Lusaka.
Monze Diocese has an area of over 60,000 square kilometres and a population of over 1.5 million inhabitants, of whom 303,000 are Catholics. There are 21 parishes, served by 81 priests, 49 religious brothers, 117 nuns and 23 seminarians.
Father Moses Hamungole is head of the English Africa Section of Vatican Radio which provides news and in-depth feature programming in English and Ki-Swahili to a vast area of Africa, as well as a webpage that is part of Vatican Radio’s information service.
Born in Kafue (Zambia), trained in journalism in Lusaka, priest from the Archdiocese of Lusaka, he studied social communications at the Gregorian University, in Rome, and obtained a diploma in management and development of NGOs at the Gagilee College in Israel. He went to Kenya to follow a course of human resource management at CORAT Africa. He is also shortly to obtain his PHD at the Kathoilieke Universeit Leuven, in Belgium.
Director of the TV Yatsani Studios in Lusaka, he was intern at the Telecare TV, in Rockville Centre, Long Island, NY, USA.
In 2002, he became for a six-years term, the secretary and head of the social communication department of AMECEA (the seven countries of East Africa), based in Nairobi.
Text from page http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/02/10/vatican_radios_father_moses_hamungole_appointed_bishop/en1-771802
of the Vatican Radio website