—Lundazi District Council has paid K60,000 out of K140 salary arrears owed to its Division Four workers.
Lundazi District Council Secretary, Boyd Kaoma disclosed this to ZANIS in Lundazi, saying out of K139, 000 five months wage bill it owed Division Four council workers, the local authority has managed to pay out K61, 000 in one month’s time, remaining with K78, 000 balance only.
Mr Kaoma said for the K139,000 wage bill for August, September, October, November and December, management has managed to pay out K61,000=00 for August, September and October, leaving a balance of K78,000 for November and December 2013 only.
He has since assured Division Four workers that the Council Management will soon source extra money from its intensified revenue collection exercise from various commercial ventures and pay the balance.
The Council Chief Officer disclosed that management has since devised a plan in starting January 2014.
He said Division Four workers will now be paid their salaries by their respective departments such as Finance, Administration, Planning Unit, Works and Council Secretary to avoid the authority owing its workers.
Meanwhile, Zambia United Local Authority Workers Union [ZULAWU] District Secretary, Rodgers Banda, has since commended Mr Kaoma for dismantling K139, 000 five months wage bill for Division Four Council workers and for devising a plan that will see the affected workers being paid by their respective departments.