Agriculture and Livestock Minister Robert Sichinga has said the agriculture sector remains a key priority sector in the economic growth and poverty reduction agenda for Zambia.
Mr. Sichinga said the agriculture industry should be fully exploited by both government and cooperating partners operating in the country.
He was speaking in Lusaka today at the official opening of the national dissemination workshop on community water management project for traditional farmers in Mkushi, Kapiri Mposhi Masaiti and Chingola districts.
Mr. Sichinga said this in a speech read on his behalf by his Deputy Minister Greyford Monde.
He said the promotion of low cost irrigation scheme was a key strategy that would transform the agriculture sector at the input stage.
Mr. Sichinga has meanwhile praised Development Aid from People to People (DAPP), CETZAM and the African Development Bank (ABZ) for the assistant being rendered to the Zambian government in its bid to revamp the sector.
And speaking at the same function, African Development Bank resident representative Freddie Kwesiga said the bank was committed to supporting the Zambian government in improving the agriculture sector.
Dr. Kwesiga said the role which cooperating partners were playing in working with government of the day cannot be over emphasised.
He said ABZ has increased the funding on agriculture related projects in Zambia to over one million United States dollars.