–Government is impressed with the on-going works at new Lukulu District Hospital.
Health Deputy Minister, Chitalu Chilufya, who toured the new district hospital site yesterday, said he is happy with the works going on, noting that the contractor is doing a good job.
Dr Chilufya said the PF Government is committed to the provision of equitable access to cost effective quality health services close to the people as soon as possible.
He noted that government is also dedicated to ensure that there is equal distribution of resources in the health sector.
Dr Chilufya said he was aware that in Lukulu and Mitete districts people walk long distances to access health services, saying government will build nine health posts in the two districts to help the people access health services in their respective areas.
The Deputy Health Minister further said the new Lukulu District Hospital, which is still in its Phase 1 of construction, has also created jobs to the local people, adding that once completed it will bring development in the district.
Dr Chilufya said government’s infrastructure operational plan is to construct a hospital in each district in years to come.
He added that it is the duty of government to also look at increasing the number of trained health personnel to meet the rising demand for human resource in all the health facilities, saying human resource is among other challenges faced in Mitete and Lukulu districts.
In another development Dr Chilufya said the two districts will receive ambulances which will be used in transportation and also provide out-of-hospital medical care to patients.
Health Deputy Minister yesterday toured the site of the new district hospital which is under construction.
He also toured Lukulu Hospital where he inspected the laboratory and visited some patients in the wards and later had a meeting with members of staff at Lukulu District Hospital.