It’s not over until We win! – GBM

GBM - Lubinda - Willie Nsanda . Photo Credit The Zambian Voice
GBM - Lubinda - Willie Nsanda . Photo Credit The Zambian Voice

Be encouraged. There are moments when you may wonder ~ “Why am I here?” “Is it really worth it?” “Will the problems and challenges ever end?” Superficial answers just won’t do. During those moments, you must turn within to find real answers, true meaning and your purpose for being.

The real answers of life are not found in your mind, but are revealed in your heart. Take the time to reflect on and deepen the reasons for your life.

There is no question the road sometimes is very tough. You may feel like giving up. But you know in your heart of hearts you can’t quit. Where there’s a will, there is a way. Press through the pain. Work through the struggle. Let the tears flow, claim your victory and scream at the top of your lungs…”It’s not over until We win!”

Take care my friends and see you later, at Matero Police station.

God bless us all.