Home Affairs Minister Davies Mwila says 776,454 people have been issued with National Registration Cards (NRCs) under phase two of the mobile registration exercise which came to an end on 4th December, covering Lusaka,Southern,Western and Eastern provinces.
Mr. Mwila has told Parliament in a ministerial statement on the ongoing mobile issuance of NRC’s that the figure of 776,454 is against the target of 500,000.
He says this represents 26 percent above the target.
Mr. Mwila says Lusaka province had 258,540 people registered, Southern 157,325,Western 131,194 with Eastern province having 229,395 registered.
And Mr. Mwila says as at 6th December,2015, a total of 300,722 people were issued with NRC’s against a target of 432,000 when exercise comes to an end on 31st January,2016.
He says the number of registered persons so far represents 60 percent of the targeted total of 432,000.