Gender Vital – Siazongo
Lusaka, February 2, 2015—-Government says it remains committed to institutionalizing gender equity and equality in the country.
Commerce Permanent Secretary Siazongo said this will ensure equitable
participation and empowerment of both women and men in the regional
integration agenda and developmental endeavours.
Mr Siazongo said this during the official opening of the 10th COMESA Technical Committee on Gender and Women Affairs in Lusaka toady.
The permanent Secretary said Zambia attaches great importance to the promotion of gender equality and social development as it effectively contributes to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals of eradicating poverty.
He said it was encouraging that the COMESA secretariat has been making a deliberate effort to mainstream gender and facilitate the removal of existing impediments that hinder equity and effective participation
of men and women in activities of regional integration.
Mr. Siakalenge has since urged COMESA member states to be actively
involved in the coordination of programmes to ensure that the
secretariat achieves its integration agenda and goal of gender
equality and empowerment of women.
And speaking earlier, COMESA Secretariat Assistant Secretary General
for Programmes, Kipyego Cheluget commended President Edgar Lungu
for appointing InongeWina as the first female Vice President in
the country.
Dr Kipyego Cheluget said the appointment is a good step towards achieving gender equality and urged member states to begin implementing gender equity.
He urged member states to put up strategies that will
ensure that COMESA programmes are gender responsive at all levels in the region.