Government has appealed to traditional leaders in the North Western province to engage it when sourcing for investors in their Chiefdoms.
Vice President Guy Scott said this will help government provide checks and balances in the investment process.
ZANIS reports that the Vice President said this in a speech read for him by Home affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula during this year’s Lunda Lubanza traditional ceremony of the Lunda people of Zambezi East, today.
Dr Scott said government is implementing projects as promised prior to the 2011 tripartite elections.
He added that the PF government needs the support of all Zambians if the country is to develop.
Meanwhile, Dr Scott has urged the Lunda people of Zambezi to preserve and market their traditional ceremony as a tourism event.
He said a country that ignores traditional values and culture is inclined to descend into moral decay.
Dr Scott noted that Zambia is what it is today because of the long preserved values that the ancestors passes on to it through traditional ceremonies such the Lunda Lubanza Ceremony.