–The Victim Support Unit in Vubwi district says traditional practices observed by the locals are a hindering the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV).
Meanwhile, Gender and Child Development Permanent Secretary Daisy Ng’ambi says no one should be protected against GBV in the name of tradition.
Vubwi Victim Support Unit district coordinator Emmah Mwale disclosed that fighting GBV was proving difficult in the district .
Ms Mwale said this this when Gender and Child Development Permanent Secretary Daisy Ng’ambi paid a courtesy on her yesterday.
Ms Mwale explained that many gender GBV cases in the district go unreported because of the strong traditional practices women observe in the area.
She told the Permanent Secretary yesterday that GBV incidents were rife in the district despite victims of the vice not reporting to the authorities.
Ms Mwale further revealed that the unit has being facing challenges in carrying out sensitization programmes aimed at educating the community on the need to report all forms of GBV cases.
The noted that Vubwi was a vast district making it difficult for the unit to operate effectively without due to lack of transport which has made it difficult to follow up cases of GBV .
Ms Mwale however said that the unit was doing everything possible to address the rife cases of GBV in the district.
And commenting on early marriages, Ms Mwale said as a traditional practice, most parents in the district marry-off their daughters at an early stage in a bid to acquire cattle which is viewed as a sign of wealth by the community.
And Gender and Child Development Permanent Secretary Daisy Ng’ambi said no perpetrator of Gender Based Violence should be sheltered or protected in the name of tradition.
Ms Ng’ambi urged the Victim Support Unit in Vubwi district to bring to book any person founding wanting so that the law takes its full course.
She assured the unit that government was currently scaling up its efforts to curb cases of gender based violence in the country.