—-Katete Social Welfare Officer Inambao Imasiku says the Social Welfare Department in the district will revisit the Community welfare Assistant Committees to capture beneficiaries that were left out during the recruitment of the inclusive model beneficiaries.
Mr. Imasiku said his department has so far paid a total of K501 060 to its 3433 beneficiaries under the aged criteria.
He told ZANIS in Katete today that the department was currently paying the May- June cash transfers to its 1767 new beneficiaries that were captured recently under the new inclusive model of transfers.
He stated that his office will spend a total sum of K313 560 on the inclusive model.
He however explained that the social welfare department will not stop paying the aged and will run both the inclusive model and the aged model at the same time.
Mr. Imasiku added that the inclusive model allows all kinds of people to benefit from the cash transfers as long as they meet the standards set for one to qualify on the program.
He noted that the district will maintain the current number of beneficiaries under the aged program but will not recruit more instead it will put more emphasis on expanding the coverage base for the inclusive model in the district.
He said his department will further continue paying K140and K240 per household that has disabled persons bi monthly.
He said out of the 40 committees that submitted only 36 were picked as potential beneficiaries under the new inclusive model.
He said because the district aim is to ensure that all potential beneficiaries are included , his office will revisit the four committees that were left out to in order to capture what could have lead to their disqualification and further mop up all beneficiaries.
Mr. Imasiku explained the applications for beneficiaries where subjected to three tests that included the residence test, dependency test and living condition index test which required them to pass at all levels.
He said government is working tirelessly to improve the living standards of people in all corners of the country hence the expansion of the social cash transfer scheme.
He said the social cash transfer scheme is aimed at reducing poverty and intergenerational transfer of poverty.
He observed that for Katete District which has been a beneficiary of the program since 2007, the district has witnessed a number of benefits in the communities ranging from reduced destitution and improved food security.