Pupil pleads not guilty in drug case
Nakonde August,6,2014, ZANIS–A Grade 12 pupil of Muchinga high school in of Isoka district of Muchinga Province has pleaded not guilty in the Nakonde Magistrate court for trafficking in psychotropic substances namely cannabis.
Appearing before magistrate Joshua Sikazwe yesterday was juvenile offender of Mukoma village of Chieftainess Waitwika’s area.
Particulars of the offence were that on 23rd July 2014,at Nakonde in Nakonde district of Muchinga Province the juvenile offender did traffic in psychotropic substances namely cannabis weighing 8.6grammes without lawful authority.
The Juvenile offender has pleaded not guilty to the charge and the matter comes up for mention on 13th August 2014 and he has been remanded in custody.
Magistrate Sikazwe has since set August 26th as date for commencement of trial.