–Kasempa District has received a total of 266,000 pieces of condoms for mass distribution following reports of low usage of condoms in the country.
Kasempa District AIDS Coordination Advisor, Ronald Kapesha, said the condoms have been made available with support of the National AIDS Council (NAC) and the United Nations Population Fund Agency (UNFPA).
“The condoms we are receiving today have been made available with support of the national AIDS Council and UNFPA who observed that the condoms were just laying idle at medical stores for some time,” he said
Mr Kapesha said during the launch of the mass distribution of condoms that the NAC had noticed a low uptake of condom use around the country and hence embarked on mass distribution of condoms in all districts of North-Western Province.
And Kasempa District Medical Officer, Edger Mutimushi, said the condoms had come at the right time when all health centres had run of commodities.
Dr Mutimushi said condoms have been proved adequate in the prevention of HIV/AIDS and called on all departments given the condoms to distribute them to the targeted audience.
“I would like to urge all stakeholders to take advantage of the availability condoms which have been proved adequate in the prevention of HIV/AIDS,” he said.
Dr Mutimushi also called for adherence to the ABCs in order to fight against HIVAIDS is to be won.
Kasempa has recently become a hive of activities following various developmental projects taking place which might likely cause an increase in new infections.
According to the Zambia NACMIS online website, Kasempa district has estimated the HIV/AIDS prevalence rate at 6.1 per cent.