A 25- year- old man of Kaputa district has died mysteriously after eating a sugar cane.
The man only identified as Paul who was working at a hummer mill died instantly as he tried to throw the residues of the sugar cane.
A witness narrated to ZANIS in an interview in Kaputa today that the man who was in the company of friends eating sugar canes wanted to throw the residues from the mouth when he fell down and died instantly.
He said the man was rushed to Kaputa District Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The witnessed said people suspect the man was allegedly bewitched especially that Kaputa is famous for black magic.
And Boyd Chomba, a neighbor to the deceased said the man died without any trace of illness.
He ruled out the possibility of poisoning saying his friends also ate the same sugar cane adding that there could have been signs if there was foul play.
I cant understand!
Vèry sad