A Consultant and Economic expert Stanford Lizu has praised government for the robust road construction project currently taking place across the country.
Mr Lizu said the developmental programmes are a welcome move and should be supported by everyone as they will uplift the living standards of the rural people.
And Mr Lizu has since advised government to also revamp the defunct companies in order to create permanent jobs for the Zambian people.
Mr Lizu said once the companies are re-established, they will increase the tax base for government.
He cited the defunct Lima Bank Company, which he said was critical in improving the agriculture sector in Zambia.
Mr Lizu said the Bank used not only to offer farming inputs to farmers but also offered technical support and solutions to small scale farmers and commercial farmers in the nation.
He said once the Lima Bank, Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia, Bee Company in Kabompo, Mwinilunga Pineapple Company, Mansa Batteries and Dunlop Company are revamped they will help to raise the profile the country economically as well as empowering the citizens.
Meanwhile, Mr Lizu has bemoaned the high levels of illiteracy in Zambia which he said should be addressed as a matter of urgency.
He said because of the alarming illiteracy levels, some people are failing to appreciate what government is doing and therefore they are easily deceived by people by politicians during elections.
A massive project indeed, fantastic development in the road sector. Western is colourful.