The ZDDM has however observed that thinking Zambians are very happy now that President Michael Sata was allowed to come into power with the purpose of teaching people in the country especially the youths to learn a bitter lesson that they will continue to be allegedly cursed as long as they do not learn to think and listen.
In a statement released to Qfm news this afternoon, ZDDM President Edwin Sakala notes that his party also finds it very frightening to see that alleged satanic spirits is still blinding some people in the country by voting carelessly.
And Mr. Sakala further notes that in the spiritual realms the country can also be said to be under a daily blood claiming satanic spell characterized by a spirit of animal like, greed and selfishness, moral decay, spirit of hate and division.
He says it is for this reason why his party has a genuine fear that Zambians have already forgotten the lesson that the election of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) into government has taught them.
The ZDDM president notes that his party fears that the future of Zambia is compromised for as long as people in the country entertain tribal and regional politics and the current attitude of not listening.