Today I wish to share with you the some of the initiatives our Government is undertaking to empower our youths. During the official opening of the 3rd session of the 11thNational Assembly, I did announce our Government’s plans to construct Youth Vocational Training Centres across the country.
In this vein, I wish to report on the status as follows: (1) Chiyota Youth Resource Centre (Chongwe) is being developed at a cost of K12 million and 99% of works done to date; (2) Chililabombwe Youth Resource Centre is being developed at a cost of K10.5 million with 80% works done; (3) Kwilimuna Youth Resource Centre at a cost of K11.6 million: works in progress (4) Kalabo Youth Resource Centre at a cost of K23.9 million: works in progress (5) Kafue Youth Resource Centre at a cost of K29.6 million: in the process of awarding tender.
Similarly, our Government has been disbursing loans and grants under the Youth Development Fund (YDF) which is aimed at supporting the growth of sustainable youth led SMEs into the private sector for wealth and employment creation. You may wish to know that since 2012, our Government has disbursed a total of K23, 188, 869.9 which has created more than 1039 employment opportunities for our entrepreneur youths.
Furthermore, our Government in partnership with ILO, FAO and NEPAD is implementing the decent jobs for youth and improved food security through development of sustainable livelihoods in rural areas programme which is expected to create 3000 new jobs among young women and men over a period of 48 months and with a budget of US$6.9 million. The programme also seeks to improve the financial performance of at least 5,000 youth owned-managed rural enterprises as well as boost food security for the local population by way of increasing the volume of production of soya beans. MCS – 25/02/14