North Western Province Permanent Secretary (PS), Amos Malupenga, has implored civil servants in Mufumbwe district to develop a positive attitude towards work.
Mr Malupenga said civil servants need to be very active in their work in order to actualize the goals of government.
He told the workers to be committed regardless of which part of the country they were operating in.
The Permanent Secretary was speaking yesterday when he addressed heads of government departments in Mufumbwe district.
“Politicians dream but it is you civil servants who actualize those dreams, so apply yourself for the benefit of Zambians.
“You have the responsibility to be effective and efficient regardless of where you are because today you may be in the rural area tomorrow you may be in the urban area and vice versa,” he said.
Mr Malupenga advised that civil servants must appreciate their jobs especially that the country was currently facing unemployment challenges.
“There are a lot of qualified Zambians out there who do not have this opportunity that you have. So let us change and appreciate this privilege we have to serve the people of Zambia,” he said
The Ps also told government workers to dress appropriately during the course of their duties.
Meanwhile, Mr Malupenga disclosed that government was working at measures to ensure that capital projects across the country are completed for the benefit of people.
“Government recognizes that these stalled projects pose a huge challenge. We need to complete these projects and address challenges that are being experienced in these areas. So we are looking at the worst scenario first before scaling to others because resources are not enough,” he said.
And Provincial Local Government Officer, Nixon Nkwapu, called on civil servants to develop good working relationships among themselves in order to promote efficiency in their works.
Mr Nkwapu said without good relations among heads of departments and their subordinates work in the district would suffer.
“Develop warm relationships among yourselves. This will provide a good environment for you to work in,” Mr Nkwapu said.
Speaking Earlier, Mufumbwe District Commissioner (DC), Mankishi Mukokwe, said a lot of development has been scored in the district since the Patriotic Front (PF) assumed office in 2011.
Ms Mukokwe said the district has recorded development in education, health and agriculture among other sectors where a boarding school, a district hospital and dip tanks have been constructed.
Ms Mukokwe, however, stated that the district still faced a lot of challenges among them transport and accommodation for public officers in almost all the departments.
“Transport remains the biggest challenge with only six vehicles being used for more than 20 departments in the district. The police and the office of the DC have been most affected. This has made it difficult for us to effectively monitor projects in Mufumbwe,” she said
Ms Mukokwe has since called on the office of the Permanent Secretary to help the district in sourcing funds to address the challenges.
And District Forestry Officer, Eversty Hang’andu, bemoaned the lack of funding to departments in the district.
Mr Hang’andu advised that funding be decentralized to the district and not the province to ensure that all departments benefit from government resources.