Kazungula registers increased yield trade
Kazungula, Febraury 4th, 2014, ZANIS —- KAZUNGULA district in southern province has registered a sharp increase in trade of legumes and a tuber crop with Botswana says Livingstone/Kazungula district agricultural coordinator (DACO) Richard Nambwalu.
Mr. Nabwalu said the crops that have seen increased trade between Kazungula Zambian farmers and Botswana include Bambara nuts, Cow peas, Groundnuts and Sweet potatoes.
He told the National Agricultural Information Services ( NAIS ) in Choma that traders from Botswana are buying the named crops on-farm and have provided a lucrative market for Zambian farmers in Kazungula district.
The DACO urged farmers in Kazungula to form cooperatives that are aimed at mopping the crops at one central point for easy access by traders from Botswana and enabling Zambian farmers in Kazungula to bargain for a better price for their produce.
Mr. Nabwalu pointed out that the traders from Botswana have extended their purchase of legume crops to Kalomo district in the southern province.
Meanwhile, 283 phytosanitary certificates and import permits were issued by Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Services branch in the department of Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) based in Livingstone.
Mr. Nabwalu said issued permits were mainly due to increased trade on legumes and a tuber crop by traders from Botswana.
He explained that 348 inspections of exports, imports and fumigated agricultural commodities were undertaken in Kazungula.
Mr. Nabwalu further said 333 farmers were trained on legume processing, preservation and utilization in Kazungula district aimed at adding value to their crops.