Good Morning Dear Friends,
Today, I wish to share with you our Government’s efforts to provide electricity to our people in rural communities in order to improve the quality of their livelihoods. During 2013, a total of 29 Grid extension projects were completed by the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), resulting in 1700 connections being made to schools, rural health centres, Chief’s palaces, local courts, staff houses for Government employees and other Government facilities. Grid extension projects were undertaken in the following districts: Kapiri-Mposhi, Katete, Petauke, Mwense, Kasama, Mungwi, Chinsali, Kabompo, Monze, Kalabo, Senanga, Namwala, Luwingu, Kawambwa, Samfya, Solwezi, Chavuma, Mbala, Choma, Sinazongwe, Serenje and Kaputa.
Our Government also successfully installed Solar Photo Voltaic (PV) systems at 35 schools, 30 rural health centres, 20 chiefs’ palaces and 11 staff houses. Our Government also completed and technically commissioned in August 2013 the Mpanta Solar Mini Grid Project in Samfya District of Luapula Province with 480 initial connections made. During 2014, our Government’s focus is to construct mini-hydro power stations in order to ensure that our people in rural areas are connected to electricity supply. We shall also through the REA electrify new Districts in line with the decentalisation policy as well as install Solar PV Systems at schools, rural health centres and GRZ offices among others in the following Districts: Nyimba, Kabompo, Mwinilunga, Mwense, Mungwi, Monze, Livingstone, Mpongwe and Luangwa.
It is my belief that our people will increase productivity and become more enterprising living in electrified communities by among others undertaking small scale business ventures such as using hammer mills, adding value to farm produce, welding and metal fabrication of farming implements thereby improving their living standards. MCS- 02/01/14