Chikankata High School is a school offering educational services to pupils from Grade 8 to Grade 12. It is run by the Salvation Army and is staffed by Christian teachers. The teaching staff number 35 at present, 16 of whom are Salvationist. Most are graduates who offer specialist subjects appropriate to the curriculum of the school. This includes Maths; English; Languages; Geography; Science; Agricultural Science; Commerce; Home Economics; R.E; Sports.
At present there are some 760 pupils, 650 of whom are Boarders. Most come from the Southern Province, although other Provinces are represented, mainly pupils from the Lusaka area. The school is co-educational with a 60/40 split of boys/girls. The trend carries on through Grade 12 – figures for 1997 showing 83 boys and 52 girls at this level.
Boarding pupils are accommodated in dormitories. These are very basic, but offer all necessary facilities such as showers and toilets within each block. Boys and girls dorms are kept separate. Much work is needed to upgrade these dormitories, but finances are an ongoing constraint. The school attempts to provide much of the maize, vegetables and beef for the Boarding Department from its own Production Unit. A Tuck Shop is also provided for the use of pupils, staff and local villagers. Profits are put back into the upkeep of the school.
The school has a fine academic record, outcomes of same can be seen with a number of past pupils in important positions within Zambia i.e. 2 Government Ministers; Producers in Zambian Broadcasting Corporation; Hospital Administrators; Doctors; Lawyers; Managing Directors of Business Houses, particularly in the Copper Belt.
In the past year, a pupil gained marks which can be paralleled, but not beaten in his Grade 12 School Certificate Examinations. Other results were also impressive.
Of 131 candidates, 118 obtained full certificates and 13 GCE certificates, showing a 90% pass rate.
In addition to pupils who gain good academic results, the school attempts to cater for those who may not. Agricultural Science is taught, both from an academic perspective, and by practical experience. A small Production Unit (farm) is run by the school. Students are taught animal husbandry and the essentials of crop raising, in order to fit them for returning to their villages where they may utilise the family land to advantage. A number of our past pupils have set up small farming projects as an outcome.
As with most educational establishments in Zambia, funding is a big problem. The school tries to hold fees at a rate which allows all those gaining the necessary entrance marks to obtain places. The present rate is K370,000 per term for Boarders. This includes full board and accommodation.
It is hoped to offer bursaries to pupils who would find this increase to be prohibitive. This is in the assumption that suitable donors can be found. In some cases, pupils have to stay away from school for many months as their parents cannot find the necessary fees. This can have a detrimental effect on their performance and exam results.
As a Christian school, a major focus is on the Christian Gospel. The school has morning prayers each morning, and a Sunday morning service which all pupils are expected to attend. In addition, a Scripture Union is active and other Christian denominations have their own Bible Study periods. Pupils of other denominations are encouraged to attend their own place of worship within the Mission. The School Chaplain takes an active part in the school, and a number of pupils take advantage of Recruitment Classes for Salvation Army soldiership. Some 24 pupils were enrolled as Soldiers at Chikankata Corps during the past 12 months. These young people will return to their own villages and attend their local corps. The Corps band is made up of mainly school pupils and assist in worship throughout the academic year. The School Choir programme is almost exclusively made up of Christian music. It regularly assists in the Corps programme and has produced a tape of its music. Both band and choir take part in major Divisional events, and a number of the pupils play in the Territorial Band.
Extra-curricular activities are very restricted due to lack of funding and equipment. However, the Salvation Army is very proud of the school. In 1945 the school moved from its earlier site in Ibwe Munyama to the present site, offered by Chief Mwenda at Chikankata. It became a Secondary School in 1960 and in 1998 was designated a High School by the Zambian Ministry of Education. The school Constitution commences: ‘The Mission of the Chikankata High School will be to promote an academic process within the Republic of Zambia which is in compliance with the principles of the
Salvation Army. This will be achieved through the maintenance of a curriculum
relevant and necessary for promoting the Christian, economic and social development
of this Nation and its citizens’.
It is the prayer of those teachers, staff and workers that the above Mission Statement is seen in action.
For more information, please contact
Headmaster: Mr Oscar Mwanza
Deputy Headmaster: MrPhilemon Chibomba
Business Manager: ?
For further information please contact the high school at [email protected]