Namwenya pupils learning in the cold
Chinsali, June 12, 2013, ZANIS…Over 243 pupils at Namwenya primary
school in Chinsali district of Muchinga province have been learning in
the cold under trees and a make-shift classroom since January this
This is because the roof on a one by two classroom block used for learning
block was been blown off last year in December.
This came to light when Muchinga province minister
Colonel Gerry Chanda visited the learning institution on his continued
familiarization tour of the province to look at infrastructure and
developmental projects.
Namwenya Primary School Head teacher, Boyd Munthali told the
provincial minister that the school has been in a dilapidated state
since December last year when the roof was blown off.
Mr. Munthali said that the school administration has since constructed
a hut within the school area where pupils are now learning from as a
temporal measure.
The head teacher complained that this is the third time a similar
disaster had befallen the School.
Mr. Munthali said the school only has a one by two classroom block catering for
all the 243 pupils enrolled from grade one to grade seven.
Mr. Munthali also complained of inadequate staffing levels saying the
work over load at the school was affecting the delivery of quality
He said that inadequate classrooms coupled with low staffing levels
has forced the school administration to adjust the school time table
and teach only five subjects per day instead of six as required by the
Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational training and Early
Mr. Munthali added that due to inadequate classrooms, the school is
rotating classes saying two classes report in the morning, another two
at midmorning while four other classes report in the afternoon.
He further said the learning institution only has two staff houses and
has no office space where to operate from adding that currently the
school is using one of the rooms in his house as an office.
And Muchinga Province Minister Colonel Gerry Chanda has assured the
school administration that Government will move in quickly and ensure
that the situation at the learning institution is normalized.
Colonel Chanda said he will ensure that the blown off roof is replaced
with soon adding that the Government was in a hurry to improve the
education standards in the country and will ensure all
schools are in acceptable learning condition.
Colonel Chanda said government has embarked on the rehabilitation
and construction of schools throughout the country to improve on
the delivery of quality education.
The Minister also promised to discuss with the area Member of Parliament
Mulenga Chiponde to consider the possibility of constructing a one by three classroom
block at the school using Constituency Development Funds (CDF) for 2013 in order to increase
the number of classrooms.