— Police in Siavonga have arrested a
lebanese national for allegedly having fired gun shots at a fishing camp on lake Kariba.
Dan Benani a tourist from Lusaka was arrested yesterday morning at
Kariba store check point when he bolted from a holiday resort where he was lodging.
This was after he heard that there were some police officers looking for
him after he allegedly fired gun shots at a fishing camp.
Siavonga district commission Brave Mweetwa confirmed the development
in an interview with ZANIS today saying the incident happened on
saturday night around around 21:00 hours.
" i can confirm that on saturday night around 21 hours there was a
kapenta fishing lig that was fishing near the house where this man was
lodging”, said Mr Mweetwa.
According to the DC , the Lebanese tourist was not comfortable with the presence of
the lig there so he used his boat to approach the fishermen and asked them to move away a bit
into the lake because the boat was making noise for his children who wanted to
“Unfortunately, the kapenta lig cound not move because the engine had a problem and
needed to be pulled “, explained Mr Mweetwa.
He said that after sometime Mr Benani came in his
boat and shot at the fishermen although no one
was injured .
Meanwhile, Mr. Mweetwa said it was sad that the matter was later
widrawn by the owner of a lig who was a complainant.
" i can not confirm wether the fire arm was confiscated or not because
i dont have that information yet," said the DC.
Mr Benani who was briefly detained in police cells was later released
after the complainant a Mr.Chalwe withdrew the case.