Head teachers and senior education officials in Eastern Province have agreed to partner with teacher unions to ensure that internal monitoring is intensified by checking individual teacher performance in order to improve pupil performance.
The commitment was made at Chipata College of Education during the provincial Grade 10 selection process at which it was learnt that 10,692 out of total 24,441 pupils who sat for their grade 9 examinations in Eastern Province last year managed to get full certificates.
Of the 10,692 who passed, 4,173 are girls and 6,519 are boys, giving a pass percentage for girls to be at 39.17% and that of boys being at 47.28%.
It was also disclosed that 2,289 pupils failed completely and out of these 1,090 are girls whereas 1,199 are boys.
The educationists that met included the Provincial Education Officer, Thomas Mwanza, Principal Education Standards Officer, Florence Chikalekale, all Senior Education Standards Officers, District Education Board Secretaries, District Education Standards Officers and Education Standards Officers from all the districts including those from Chama, secondary school head teachers from the whole province and their guidance teachers.
The educationists who met were agreeable that the provincial results were not pleasing.
And the Provincial Education Officer, Mr Mwanza, challenged the educationists to check on the reasons that caused the pass percentage to drop by 5.04 per cent from 48.79 per cent in 2011 to 43.75 per cent in 2012.
He advised the teachers to take advantage of Continuing Professional Development programmes that are taking place in schools to devise better teaching approaches.
Mr Mwanza said he was sad that when teachers’ conditions of service were bad examination results used to be good but that nowadays with good conditions of service in place results were getting worse.