HE Football Association of Zambia has with immediate effect banned veteran soccer administrator Simataa Simataa from all football related activities for life.
According to a statement issued by FAZ communications manager Desmond Katongo, Simaata has been banned for unethical conduct contrary to Article 13 (3) of the FIFA Code of Ethic 2012 Edition.
Simaata, who is also City of Lusaka Football Club 2000 Plc general manager, has been given 10 days to appeal, failure to which the decision would be final and binding.
“The Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has with immediate effect banned City of Lusaka Football Club 2000 Plc. General Manager, Mr. Simataa Simataa from all football related activities for unethical conduct contrary to Article 13 (3) of the FIFA Code of Ethic 2012 Edition.
Following a meeting held by the FAZ Ethics Committee, on April 11, 2018, chaired by Mr Kephas Katongo, Mr Simataa was found guilty of circulating illegally obtained FAZ documents on social media and to various institutions with intent to discredit the FAZ Executive members and officials of the Association and thus bring the name of the Association into disrepute,” Katongo stated.
“In line with Article 78 (1) of the FIFA Code of Ethics, FAZ has further accorded Mr Simataa 10 days to appeal failure to which the decision will become final and binding.”
But Simaata said he had not received correspondence to that effect.
“I have not received correspondence. I am not available, I have got a meeting with somebody in my office,” said Simaata before clearing the call when phoned.
This is the second time Simataa is getting such ban.
Four years ago, FAZ banned him from “all Football Association of Zambia activities for life” for allegedly making remarks against the Football Association of Zambia on Radio Phoenix on December 20, 2013.
Simataa was then a vocal critic of the Kalusha Bwalya-led FAZ executive committee, prefering to work with Andrew Kamanga.