In the last week of August this year, VITALITE presence could be found in every corner of the Ng’ombe Compound in Lusaka. Throughout the week, several stove demonstrations were held throughout Ng’ombe at the markets, by the clinic, at the VITALITE Sales Hub and even at maternal health and child check-up zones.
The week culminated on Saturday, 30th August, with VITALITE’s Ng’ombe launch event.
The day began with a march-past led by a brass band from Foxdale Court, past the VITALITE Sales Hub and through to the Ng’ombe Sports Grounds – where drama, dancing and stove demonstrations took place. Overall, around 80 people attended the event.
It’s safe to say that the vast majority of Ng’ombe residents have now seen VITALITE’s new mbaula!
VITALITE Zambia promotes clean home energy products, including a wood-fuelled stove which offers Zambians an alternative to charcoal cooking. The World Health Oranisation estimates that 4.3 million people die every year from illnesses attributable to household air pollution.