THE Lusaka Boma Local court has heard how a woman of John Laing Township ran away after her husband found her having sex with another man in a bathroom.
Ernest Chama, 40, told the court that in June last year, he caught his wife having sex with Frank Chibuye, 28, also of John Laing Township after a tip off from his children that his wife was having an extra marital affair.
This was a case where Chama sued Chibuye for adultery after he allegedly found him having sex with his wife Nwela Mutale in the couple’s bathroom.
Facts before the court were that Chama and Mutale were married in 1991 and have seven children but in June last year, Chama found his wife Nwela, having sex with Chibuye in the couple’s bathroom after a tip off.
Chama told the court that he was on several occasion told by different people that his wife was having a love affair but he never believed because he trusted his wife so much.
When rumours persisted he decided to lie to his wife that he was going to Kabwe when in fact he was just within Lusaka so that he could catch the wife off guard.
Chama said he managed to catch the two although both of them ran away where they went to stay together to unknown place.
“From the time I found my wife having sex with this man, she deserted the matrimonial home and went to stay with Chibuye,” he said.
In his defence Chibuye admitted that he had sex with Mutale but told the court that she did not tell her that she was married.
He submitted that Mutale was just a woman he considered a sex worker because he met her in a bar adding that he had no plans to marry her.
Chibuye said she was forced to stay with Mutale after the two were caught because she insisted despite being asked to leave him alone.
“I was just helping his wife because she kept on following me after the incident and told me that she was not married and had no place to stay,” he said
In her submission, Mutale told the court that she was not the one who decided to desert her matrimonial home but her husband who chased her after being caught having sex with Chibuye.
She also defended Chibuye saying he could not be blamed for staying with her because it was actually herself who had pleaded with him to live with him after being chased away by the husband.
The matter was since adjourned to August 22, for judgement.
Time of Zambia
Kkkkk manje pavuta apa
This is very unfortunate because I don’t see the possibility of these children being biologically this Man’s Kids. He says he trusted her and she took advantage! Shame
This is terrible. The guy should go for DNA test to confirm the 7 children . Chances of not matching is high.
Dats a problem of sum wives who re prostitutes,u re even saying, got married in 1991 and u ve 7 children,shame on u both, coz all those 7 children wil jst remain street kids, mulefyala kwati nimbwa or kwati ba ku campaign or ku matebeto.
Seems u like these stories my friend kkkkkkkk haa yasi
seriously hw cn u hv sex mu toilet yapanse….sex te fintu
Seems you like these stories! kkkkk
Its not a matter ov liking them but they expose how shallow minded and immoral some people can b