Denhiero who started his show at midnight two hours late than the scheduled time, compensated his rhumba lovers for his late starting with a...

ZAMBIA renowned artist Jordan Katembula aka JK tells Congolese artiste DaCosta aka Arcel Kabamba from Lubumbashi to remix his *‘baby touch me’*hit  track that was released last...

  This was confirmed on line via twitter yesterday that the hit track is toping the Ugandan RnB chat. The Contolola song has been doing well...

Legendary Nigerian Afro-beat King Femi Kuti, joined by his full band, will take to the stage on Saturday March 9 when the first-ever Africa...

ZAMBIA Association for Musicians President Maiko Zulu has rescinded his resignation following the National Executive Committee Meeting held yesterday. The meeting resolved that ZAM president...

OLD Skool yet finding its way through to the new generation says David Banda aka Ozzy the general. Speaking after his performance last Saturday at...

Maz FM a local radio station in Mazabuka has named Cosmas Chileshe aka DJ Cosmo as the town’s artiste of the year in a...

ZAMBIA Association of Musicians (ZAM) President Maiko Zulu has resigned from the position without giving reasons for his decision. Zulu posted his resignation notice...

WHATEVER the interpretation, Wesley Chibambo aka Dandy crazy, the don´t Kubeba star, proved he is a darling for Lusaka fans at his performance at...