The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has arrested five suspects charged allegedly for various wildlife crimes and the illegal possession of wildlife products in two separate incidents.
ZAWA Communications & Public Relations Officer Mwila Muliyunda confirmed the development in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today.
Ms. Muliyunda said in the first incident, Philip Nyirongo, 52 of Mzama Village in Lundazi and Winford Mwale of Chindondo Village were arrested and jointly charged yesterday, for trespassing in Lukusuzi National Park in Eastern Province and being in possession of assorted game meat, animal skin, 100grams of gunpowder and 59 pellets.
Ms. Muliyunda said the duo were also found with poisoned fish.
In second incident, Stone Muhongo, 39, Maybin Singoyi, 40 and Magoti Sakoshi, all residents of Kamaila area in Chishamba were arrested for being found with 146 Kg of fresh Zebra, two live parrots and six wire snares.
She said the Zebra meat is suspected to have been poached at Protea Lodge in Chisamba area in Chibombo district.
Ms. Muliyunda said all the suspects found with government trophies would appear in court soon.