Vice president Guy Scott has today told the Sylvia Masebo tribunal that it was government’s position to cancel the safari hunting concession licenses in nineteen hunting blocks in game management areas.
Testifying as the first witness for Ms Masebo this morning, Dr Scott told the tribunal who testified he never Directed former Tourism Minister Given Lubinda to fire former Zambia Wildlife Authority Director General Edwin Matokwani on the basis that he was appointed by the MMD government.
Mr Lubinda had told the tribunal last week that Dr Scott together with PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba directed him to fire Mr Matokwani
Asked during cross examination by the petitioner’s lawyer Gilbert Phiri on whether he was aware of the evaluation process on the tendering process for hunting concessions, Dr Scott said he was not aware.
But when asked follow up questions on the matter, Dr.Scott stated that he was a baby in law and was not aware that chiefs were represented during the evaluation process of the safari hunting tenders