The Islamic Supreme Council of Zambia says it is high time that the country stops depending on mining and diversifies.
Supreme Council President Suzyo Zimba says the mines have really disappointed the people of Zambia and the solution remaining is moving away from depending on them.
He points out that it is unfortunate that when they are making money, they do not want the government to intervene but when the situation is bad, they are the first ones to cry.
Mr. Zimba says mining companies should be fair enough and adjust according to the situation stressing that at the end of the day, it should be a win win situation for all parties involved which include the mining firms themselves, the government and the people of Zambia.
He however notes that if the country diversifies, it will help the nation address a number of challenges among them job creation, the high levels of poverty among other.
Mr. Zimba has further commended the president for the bold decision taken on the ex Mopani copper mine workers.