Sardanis counsels government on SADC common market

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Former Ministry of Commerce permanent secretary in the United National Independent Party (UNIP) era Andrew Sardanis has underscored the need for the country to review its relationship with the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) common market.


Mr. Sardanis said it was a mistake for Zambia to join the SADC common market which he said was detrimental to the growth of the country’s economy.


He stated that the nation cannot afford to allow South African goods to enter the country without import duty as Zambia cannot compete with that country because it has a bigger local market, produces goods in large numbers, a bigger economy and produces goods more cheaply.


He told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that it was imperative that Zambia reviews its relationship with the SADC common market as it celebrates 50 years of independence.


And Mr. Sardanis has called for an immediate stop in the importation of second hand clothes commonly known as Salaula.


He said the decision to allow the importation of second hand clothes destroyed the country’s clothing industry.


Mr. Sardanis said the nation was doing very well in the clothing industry with many factories and had even reached a stage where it was exporting garments to Europe.


Meanwhile, Mr. Sardanis said Zambia has performed fairly well in the handling of its trade and commerce as can be seen through the growth of the economy over the years.