Regus Offers Zambian Workers Free Flexible Workspace to Lessen the Environmental Impact of Long Commutes


Regus Opens Business Centers For Free To Encourages Companies to Go Green And Cut Commutes on Earth Day

Regus Offers Zambian Workers Free Flexible Workspace to Lessen the Environmental Impact of Long Commutes

Regus, the global flexible workplace provider, is opening its business lounge in Lusaka, Rhodes Park for free on Earth Day (April 22, 2014) to help employees save gas and reduce emissions by skipping the long commute and working from a Regus center instead

Unnecessary carbon emissions, wasted time and loss of productivity are just a few of the negatives associated with a lengthy car ride into work. Zambia traffic volumes continues to grow. There is a significant amount of money wasted everyday by people and businesses just sitting on the road, burning expensive fuel. More money is also
spent to maintain the quickly wearing vehicles as they are driven on trenchy unpaved roads, dust, potholes and jagged edges of pavement. On a macroeconomic scale, billions of kwacha are wasted every year because of inadequate roads. This is money individuals could save, start businesses and employ people thereby, boosting demand in those businesses.[1]

By offering free flexible work space for everyone, not only is Regus encouraging workplace sustainability, but it also hopes that participating corporations will experience the benefits of giving employees flexible work options.

For employers considering offering flexible work options to their employees, Regus has a few tips for beginning the process:

  • Have a conversation with your staff: Learn more about their individual needs and discuss their wants. This conversation will help drive creation of the office flexible work policy, understanding that there will likely be a broad range of requests.
  • Consider alternate work location options: Long commutes increase stress while decreasing employee productivity and happiness. Allowing an employee to work from home or drop in to a nearby shared workspace will improve work/life balance and decrease commuting expenses. It also promotes a greener corporate culture.
  • Measure performance by output: Managing remote employees definitely requires an adjustment but the process is made easier when clear goals and benchmarks are established. These goals allows managers to focus on the quality of the work being delivered and less on micro-managing.
    • Change your communication style: Make sure employees are given the right tools for success while working from alternate locations. Invest in technology options like web-based project management programs and video conferencing to help them stay up-to-date on projects and office happenings.

Regus is rapidly expanding into suburbs, offering those that travel into cities on a daily basis a second option, with the flexibility of working from a fully equipped, modern business center that provides all the amenities needed but closer to home. It also enables businesses to extend flexible working practices to their staff, increasing employee health, morale, loyalty and productivity.

To find a nearby Regus center this Earth Day, please visit

About Regus
Regus is the global workplace provider.

Its network of more than 1,800 business centers in 101 countries provides convenient, high-quality, fully serviced spaces for people to work, whether for a few minutes or a few years. Companies like Google, Toshiba and GlaxoSmithKline choose Regus so that they can work flexibly and make their businesses more successful.

The key to flexible working is convenience and so Regus is opening wherever its 1.5 million members want support – city centers, suburban districts, shopping centers and retail outlets, railway stations, motorway service stations and even community centers.

Founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1989, Regus is based in Luxembourg and listed on the London Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit

[1] Lusaka Times, Roadway infrastructure, minimum wages and production viability in Zambia, 3 October 2011