World bank to address impact of Climate change in Africa – Report

World Bank HQ

The latest World bank says it will help to lessen the impact of climatic change in African countries like Zambia.



The  bank  says it has for this reason come up a strategy that  is aimed at lessening the  impact of climatic change which it says has a negative  effect on economic development on the continent.


This according to the World Bank Report 2014 obtained by ZANIS in Lusaka, today.


In the report ,Climatic change has a serious and adverse consequences for many development sectors in Africa.

The report  also says  that this  has paused as  a major threat to most African countries’ economies and livelihoods.


It also says that the Bank will focus on west, east and southern Africa through long-term water supply and reliability.


”  African countries should focus on investing in research and advisory services in order to develop and disseminate adaption options to scale up investment that builds resiliency,”  the report reads in part.



The report has  also indicated that because of pervasive and widespread use of solid biomass, Africa will continue to be an important source of energy in over the next 30 years.


The world community at large and African countries like Zambia have focused their attention to reduce the impact of climatic change in their environment caused by natural calamities like drought and floods which have devastating effect on their citizens.