KR 3 Million set aside for palm oil chain cluster in Mwense
Mwense, March12, ZANIS————– Government under the Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission-CEEC has put aside KR3 million for the implementation of the newly formed palm oil chain cluster in Mwense district of Luapula province.
CEEC Director General Likando Mukumbuta says the palm oil chain cluster in Mwense district is part of the new initiative by the CEEC to create small industrious towns in the country.
Mr Mukumbuta said under the new initiative the CEEC has identified the potential of each province in the country which will enable every province to develop its own industries according to the local materials which are produced in the area.
He said it is sad that industries in the country have for long time been concentrated along the line of rail when there is a lot of potential for industries throughout the country adding that CEEC under the new initiative wants the notion of having industries along the line of rail to come to an end through the formation of clusters in districts throughout the country.
ZANIS reports that Mr Mukumbuta said this in Mwense yesterday when he addressed the business community in the district on the new Citizens Economic Empowerment initiative in the district.
He said the CEEC wants to see industries throughout the country which are spearheaded by Zambians while creating employment for fellow Zambians.
He said this is the only way that the country will end poverty which has for a long time affected many families in the country.
He urged the would be beneficiaries of the project to be serious with the project saying the funds for projects are not charitable saying CEEC funds are taxpayers money which should be invested and passed on to other individuals.
In welcoming the new initiative by the Citizens Economic Commissioner Mwense District Business Association Chairperson Shem Malama observed that the initiative to come up with palm oil chain cluster in Mwense will help put Mwense on the Zambian map.
Mr Malama assured the CEEC Director General that the people of Mwense are eager to see their lives change and will not disappoint the commission.
The CEEC yesterday successfully held similar meetings in Mansa where they want to implement the soya bean and cassava chain cluster and in Nchelenge where they want to implement the Fish chain cluster.
Under the new initiative the CEEC will identify the potential of each province and fund the project from production to processing.