A young singer-songwriter with roots in Dundalk is preparing to make her music debut in the UK. Stephanie McCourt, who is based in London, recently signed...

  Lupita Nyong'o has won the Academy Award for supporting actress in her role as Patsey, a favored but abused slave in the Steve McQueen-directed drama "12...

 LARRY Maluma was born in Zambia and moved to Australia in 1985. He is an accomplished musician, composer and singer. He sings in a combination...

ZAMBIAN dance electro band Party Phreaks which is signed to  United Kingdom (UK) and United States of American (USA) record labels, is set to...

The Oscars aren’t just about who wins on the big night, they are about a concentrated publicity push for a group of actors...
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Personal life Nyong'o was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Dorothy and Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, a politician in Kenya. It is a Luo tradition to name a child after the events of...

Saturday night, March 1, shall be a night to remember for fans in Windhoek of Spiny and the Green Kids, one of the most...

DHL, the world’s leading logistics provider, along with IMG Fashion, has announced the launch of a new program, DHL Exported, to support the fashion...

IT is undisputable that Zambia’s well-liked Hip Hop pin-up Slap Dee is enjoying the benefit of leading applauds in Zambian music when he bagged...