The live stream concert, hosted by Africa Rising in partnership with Live Love, is a charity event aimed at raising funds for...
Chef 187

The much-anticipated season of ‘Coke Studio Africa 2019’ is set to air on TV in Zambia and across Africa starting 8 th February 2019. Featuring...

11.12.2018 Last year on the 11th December I released a song called Koswe Mumpoto which was a single from the album MAN to MAN. The...

As a music artist in Zambia, we make money not through selling of music but through performances. When I am invited for a show...

Photos by Jean Mandela

July 28 at 1:08 PM ·  I always believe that when you have a loaf of bread, one could always be able to share just a...

‘Ghetto President’  is Mark Mulaza aka Macky 2’s fourth studio album released last month and already gaining massive support. From his first ever album,...

SINGER-SONGWRITER and producer Kekero has released a single titled “Pempelo” which he says is the first single off his debut album to be released...
Kings Mumbi a.k.a Malembe Malembe

ENOWNED Zambian gospel artist Kings Mumbi aka Kings Malembe-Malembe has dismissed reports that he has been appointed to the security team at State House...