President Lungu addresses a rally to drum up support for PF Parliamentary candidate Dora Siliya in Petauke on June 27,2015 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA - Photo Credit EDDIE MWANALEZA -
President Lungu addresses a rally to drum up support for PF Parliamentary candidate Dora Siliya in Petauke on June 27,2015 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA – Photo Credit EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu addresses a rally to drum up support for PF Parliamentary Candidate Dora Siliya on June 27,2015 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA – Photo Credit EDDIE MWANALEZA
President Lungu in Petauke rally for Dora Siliya on June 27,2015 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA – Photo Credit EDDIE MWANALEZA –
Stephen Kampyongo (l) with Victoria Kalima (c) during a rally for Dora Siliya in Petauke on June 27,2015 -Picture by EDDIE MWANALEZA – Photo Credit EDDIE MWANALEZA