Notwithstanding the issues that we have raised in the past concerning the Tribunal set to investigate the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Mr. Mutembo Nchito, we have considered, after a lot of consultation and counsel, that the Tribunal should go on as set up by H.E. Edgar Changwa Lungu.
However, we would like to note that the Mutembo Nchito Tribunal is of high public interest considering the various events that preceded it. Therefore all the processes must be done with utmost diligence and transparency.
There have been a lot of statements and debates in the public domain concerning the DPP as regards to his prior arrests in Chongwe and in Lusaka.
There has also been high publicity and debate on the Terms of Reference, especially on the nollesentered by the DPP on his own behalf and other selected citizens.
We have also noted accusations and counter accusations among the State and the official complainant (Mr. Brebner Changala) as in who drew the ToR.
The judiciary has also not been spared from the fiasco where judges like Judge Chitabo, have been verbally attacked and censored by the Patriotic Front Secretary General Mr. Davies Chama.
It must also be noted, in the interest of justice that some members of the Tribunal have been perceived to be biased by their association with the State or by the remarks expressed to some members of the public including to the undersigned of this statement. However, we want to give them the benefit of doubt as eminent and principled judges who will rise above their personal issues and look at adduced evidence in the presence of the general public.
We therefore earnestly pray that the Tribunal will receive evidence in public so that the citizens will have no doubt in their minds on the conclusion that will be drawn at the end of the sittings.
We would also like to urge Mr. Mutembo Nchito to welcome the Tribunal as an opportunity for him to clear his name in the face of the allegations levied against him.
To emphasize our position we have written to the Mutembo Tribunal expressing our concerns and prayer.
Further, we would like to urge the President H.E Edgar Lungu to ensure that the Judicial Complaint Commission (JCC) is strengthened so that it can be effective to deal with complaints from citizens, especially the poor who have no any other recourse in the face of injustice.
In the past the JCC has not been satisfactory active and effective, rendering the justice system inadequate to deal with all possible scenarios of access to Justice.
May the Just God enlighten the minds of the members of the Tribunal to dispense justice.
Chilufya Tayali
Tayali, learn to argue from a legal point of view.. Whats the precedence regarding tribunals that have been set up in the past and will all the witnesses be able to testify in the event that its held in public??