Police officer, farmer convicted in Mongu

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The Mongu Magistrates Court has sentenced a police officer and one farmer in Mongu district to six months imprisonment each with hard labour for corrupt practices involving K2, 800.

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Public Relations Manager Timothy Moono said in a statement made available to ZANIS today that the duo was arrested by in November 2013.

Mr. Moono said Mongu magistrate Julius Malata found Boyd Kyamulanda, a police officer in the Zambia Police Service guilty of corrupt practices by public officer contrary to Section one (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act number 3 of 2012 and Mike Kalima Mushiba, a farmer of Sitoya area in Limulunga, guilty of corrupt practices contrary to Section two (2) of the same Act.

He said Kyamulanda corruptly received K2, 800 cash on January 28, 2013 from Mike Kalima Mushiba in order for him to release Mushiba from unlawful police custody.

Mushiba had been detained on murder charges.

He added that in the second count, Mushiba gave K2, 800 cash to Kyamulanda as an inducement to secure his (Mushiba’s) release from lawful police custody.

The two were sentenced to six months imprisonment each with hard labour but suspended for one year.

The sentence was with effect from March 13, this year.


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