Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company has attributed the contamination of water in some parts of Ndola district to activities that are being undertaken near the Kafubu River as farming and construction of houses without proper sewer lines.
Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company Director of Engineering Ben Mwale said the Kafubu River is the major supplier of water in the city and some activities like farming and garbage disposal greatly contribute to the contamination of the water.
Mr Mwale disclosed this to ZANIS in an interview in Ndola today.
Some residents spoken to in Ndola complained that tap water supplied in most houses was contaminated therefore causing diarrhoea and severe stomach pains.
But Mr Mwale pointed out that most plots are allocated in areas without proper sewer systems adding that people who build houses use the river to dispose their waste products leaving water contaminated without thinking of the impact it has on consumption by the public.
He further noted that some farming activities add to the contamination of water along the Kafubu River as some components of fertilizers and dead plants are disposed into the river.
Mr Mwale urged people to keep calm adding that the dredger was put in place to clean the water and help in reducing the contamination of water in the river.
‘’We are working as Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company and spending double on funds to ensure that we put a stop to contamination of water now that we have the dredger,’’ he said.