Defence Minister Geofrey Mwamba dismisses allegations

Geofrey Mwamba

Defence Minister Geofrey Mwamba has dismissed allegations that he will be banished from the Partriotic Front and government.

ZANIS Kalulushi reports that Mr Mwamba said it was not true that him and Kabwata Member of Parliament Given Lubinda would be suspended from the party and the government.

Mr Mwamba who’s also Kasama Member of Parliament told ZANIS Kalulushi in an interview today upon arrival at South downs Airport on his way to Kitwe where he’ is scheduled to meet the youths.

He said if he had committed any offence which was acceptable by the President he saw no reason why the president could fail to suspend him.

Mr Mwamba said stories about him running on Zambian Watch dog that he had been banned by the president from visiting his constituency were not true.

Mr Mwamba explained that operations in government are that when you accept government poti-folios you should also accept assignments by his excellence the President.