Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Mkushi district have expressed concern about the increase in the cases involving Gender Based Violence (GBV).
The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) has echoed the concern by other CSOs and called for increased involvement of the Clergy in efforts to curb GBV.
Mkushi YWCA president Hilda Makanta, said that there was need for the church to play a role in counseling both the survivors as well as the perpetrators of GBV.
Mrs Makanta observed that GBV could be curbed by enhancing spiritual values of the community.
She said that the Government had done enough to provide legal frameworks against GBV adding that the onus was now on the communities.
Another CSO, Behavioural Change Committee (BCC) said that the fight against GBV required concerted efforts from all stakeholders.
Mkushi BCC coordinator Brain Mundia pointed out that there was need for residents to acknowledge the dangers paused by GBV.
Mr Mundia said that it was important for residents to know that confirmed cases of GBV had been on the increase since the beginning of the year.
He said that data supported by the Police Victim Support Unit (VSU) showed that a total of 67 GBV cases were recorded since the beginning of the year.
Mr Mundia further noted that Mkushi district recorded nine defilement cases and two involving rape since January this year.