The Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) has charged that Agriculture Minister Wilbur Simuusa’s expression of shock at the high price of Mealie Meal in the country is an indication of how detached Ministers are from the realities of ordinary Zambians on the ground.
FDD Spokesperson Antonio Mwanza says this is also evidence that Ministers do not share in the poverty, destitution and the suffering of the Zambian people.
Mr. Mwanza has told QFM News that this is why the PF government has failed to respond to the needs of the Zambian people.
Mr. Mwanza says the challenge Zambians have is that Ministers are living comfortably in their homes without any idea of what the ordinary people are going through.
He states that Zambians have been complaining about the high Mealie meal prices for a long time, and that it is sad that the minister in charge who should have first hand information had no idea about the cost of mealie meal.